A personal concept challenge based around user experience - physical and emotional.
This project was inspired by a feeling. Really challenging the sensation and underfoot feel we can provide in a footwear platform.
Things to get after with this project are things that resonate with a user during an interaction with footwear
Aesthetically something that pushes the boundaries of design and provides a provocative style, providing joy, excitement, and satisfaction.
How can we take these emotions a step further? How can we tackle them not only from an aesthetic perspective but physically as well?
To use layering and construction in the bottom unit to provide the user with a unique experience. While this will be a bottom-led story, the upper should act to lock the foot down and contain the experience to fully optimize it.
This cushioning platform should be contained underfoot for maximum comfort and responsiveness. Almost feeling the ground before touching it, and having a smooth ride throughout.
This story is about “getting weird” with construction and technologies to provide a positive experience for the user. Really embracing the high energy felt when interacting with products that make us excited, happy joyful.
The design of the shoe should convey a “weird” but “fun” personality to take away from the seriousness of day to day life.
Still driven by performance and experience, here, the color will drive the story of performing elements vs supportive elements - calling out the technology in high energy colors while using neutrals in the upper as the supportive technical elements